Huawei crisis threatens European 5G on the eve of its birth

This is 5G, stupid. The famous phrase relating to the economy and used in the Clinton campaign against the father of Bush, now helps to understand the crisis of Huawei. These are not tariffs, not outdated phones that we have just bought, nor the fear of control over information in the hands of the Chinese. This will not be an upgrade of Chinese brand mobile phone software .

The big problem will be the deceleration from which the ultra-wideband connection will suffer on the eve of its birth, designed to support the development of technologies that will move the world over the next decade.

If the situation is not resolved in the coming weeks, telecom operators on the Old Continent should look for alternatives in order not to jeopardize their investment plans and not to deploy a new broadband network. That is, after the injury of the mobile giant, whose products are threatened with mutilation, was overcome, the eye must show the true great global sacrifice of the battle of the United States against China: the fifth generation of European mobile telephony, now in the hands of Huawei ... although you do not know how long.

In general, the 5G telecommunications networks will form nerve tissue that will control robots in industry, autonomous cars on the roads, or economic activity in the coming years. There is no point in a more relevant and powerful asset for the development of digital societies.

Having explained the above, it is easy to understand that the one who controls the new networks will receive power can send the digital society out of the shell. Something from all this must have occurred to Trump when he decided to put a knitting needle in the wheels of Chinese companies with a single argument that could justify the unjustified: security. Regardless of the reason - time will tell - Trump moved the first part of the game, which could have become uncontrollable, although he had not yet done so. China will have to respond as soon as possible to the attack inflicted by its flagship enterprise.

Even if the fear remains under threat, and the United States extends the indefinite 90-day truce granted this week, the wounds will remain open.

Chinese retribution

The US government should not underestimate Huawei's ability to release a new operating system in record time, in light of the success of Android. And you shouldn’t neglect Asian talents to give your customers access to the most important mobile apps outside the Google store. And, more importantly, the expected retaliatory strike from the head of Jiping can disrupt the supply of components and industrial goods from the entire technology sector. Simple instructions from Beijing are enough for Apple not to sell its iPhones and iPads on the largest market in the world, which would reduce sales worldwide by about 15%.

But, in addition, the company from Cupertino was unable to produce most of the hidden components under the block body. In other words, this will be the last farewell of Apple's flagship products, until it finds a new direction for its manufacturing plants.

What seems clear is that the decision of the Trump government, now temporarily deferred, will be the subject of a number of victims, the size of which is now unpredictable. Among them are all European telecommunications operators, largely dependent on the technology in question. As for the Spanish groups, they all connect their future developments in the field of mobile broadband access with Huawei networks and algorithms.


The appearance of telecom operators blocked in the first half of 2020. Until June next year, Telefónica, Orange, Vodafone and MásMóvil should activate their fifth generation networks. We need to see what Vodafone is doing, which has already announced its intention to do this this summer, probably in the month of July.

The situation with the Spanish subsidiary of Red Operator will be strange, since its British sister has already sought to exclude Huawei terminals from its upcoming 5G deployment. The same was done by the British EE ( Deutsche Telekom and Orange joint venture ) and the Japanese companies Softbank and KDDI, which are completing the Huawei P30 Lite release and are now in the bedroom.

Opportunities for telecom operators to respond seem to be limited in case they should terminate their 5G contracts with Huawei and install them with others, such as Nokia Networks, Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent or Cisco Cisco, for example. This transition from one supplier to another will result in significant costs and significant delays. In addition, nothing prevents suspicion about possible security problems from the new network providers.

"We know how the Huawei crisis began, but no one can imagine what terrible ways it can lead." The scale of the incident may worsen in the coming weeks, with the risk of a disruption of the world order. Once, the Chinese government decided to postpone the attack of your flagship company. “Anyone who speaks is a telecommunications analyst with over 30 years of experience after learning this newspaper, who does not feel threatened. more serious for the stability of world trade.

Just as Trump originally asked Google not to trade with Huawei without the explicit permission of the Department of Commerce, and then postpone the restrictions until August 19, he could do the same with D & D. Other US monopolies are subject to their obligations. This, for example, Intel, Qualcomm or Microsoft. If the father of Windows suspends its services from Huawei or other Chinese companies on its black list, their activities can be paralyzed immediately. Not only most computers will not work, nor the managed services from the Azure cloud owned by Redmond.

At the moment, Microsoft has just left its online stores Huawei MateBook X Pro, the only laptop of this brand available in its windows. Huawei servers work with Intel chips, so once Trump makes a decision, another window of conflict will arise. BRM UK, responsible for developing microprocessors for Kirin mobile phones (exclusive Huawei), has already taken a position. On Wednesday, he ordered "to freeze all current contracts, requests for support and any other kind of relationship with Huawei."

Huawei’s official response has been moving because of its ability to resign: “We attach great importance to our relations with our partners, but we recognize the pressure some of them face as a result of decisions motivated by political considerations, and our priority remains to continue to offer technology and products to our customers around the world. "

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